Tuesday, December 28, 2010

30 day countdown-19

Hmmmm how would I describe the pace of my life right now as we are at the 19th day mark?? Panic!!! There is so little time and feels like so much to do! I make a new to-do list every 5 min. I am typically not a strong finisher in any respect really. All I am trying to do is finish strong. The goal was to get as much stuff done over my holiday break as possible. I would have to say I think I accomplished all I set out to finish before I go back to work. At least that's the upside. But while finishing all of those things I have realized how much more I need to do.

Today was eventful I got plenty done. I finally started on the wedding program and almost finished it in one night. I just need a few more details that I am waiting on from others. With that being said, one may find that people who were planned to be in the wedding may all of a sudden not be able to be in the wedding at the last minute. While I am typing this I am thinking I should probably wait until the 1 week mark to print the programs just in case something else changes. I was trying to get that out of the way NOW too so I can get it off my hands but that may backfire.

I researched songs for our ceremony and part of the reception. Im pretty excited about the selections. The songs feature Tribe of Benjamin, Jennifer Hudson, India Arie and Korey Bowie.

Well I took a car full of my things over to the apartment. The more trips I make the smaller the space gets...sadness.

Life is Sweet,

Monday, December 27, 2010

Great websites#2

Anna Bellagio (beautiful wedding jewelry)

(see November for great websites#1)

30 day countdown-20

Church.Rest.Another Christmas party with future in laws.Researched birth control methods.Skin crawled.NCIS marathon.

Thatisall :)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

30 day countdown-21

Happy Birthday Jesus! And Merry Christmas to all of you out there!

I felt so conflicted/convicted about Christmas...more than the other Christmases. I'll tell you why. If Christmas is about Jesus then whats with the big party and gift giving to one another? I mean why am I getting/giving gifts for Jesus's birthday. I can understand if my gift giving is in the spirit of the reincarnate love of Jesus to someone in need, but people are just using this as an opportunity to shower one another with gifts. Imgine if someone came to your birthday party and celebrated everyone else.

A few years ago I decided I was over it. Now that I am getting married I have to translate my sentiments with The Mister who may not necessarily agree as much. Imagine what this means for our kids...I dont plan on telling them about Santa and Im not that interested in Christmas trees. When it comes to matters of Jesus and faith I like to keep them as sacred as possible because if our culture decides what is good and proper then we are all doomed to self destruction. The true story of Christmas is greater than any present under the Christmas tree. And if you already believe in Jesus then the reminder of our Savior's birth is still better than any present under the tree.

On that note how do we properly celebrate Christmas? I imagine we should attend the service at church that week or day, do good for those in need, then have a big feast with family and friends (how its done traditionally) going around telling why we are grateful for the His birth and then celebrate in style! I'll admit the harm is not in the gift giving...its in the fact that it allows us to forget that its not about us.

Somewhere beteween holy and a holy mess,

30 day countdown-22

Its Christmas eve, why am I still sending invitations in the mail... I'll leave that for you to humor your imagination. Then off to pay off the cake lady. Then back home to clean my house from head to toe for visitors that will be coming for the wedding. I packed my car full of my things to take over to the apartment. Now all I have to do is figure out when I feel like driving over there. Its such a trek. Because of all of the STEPS I am discouraged about the whole process.
Later, spending the night at sister in laws home for Christmas morning. How exciting!

Spending Christmas with the new fam,

Thursday, December 23, 2010

30 day countdown- 23

Today was pretty much filled with late Christmas shopping, but since I only needed to buy 1 gift then I spent most of my time exploring uncharted territory...the home section! LOL as if I need another reason to shop it was quite the adventure! My hands are burning to buy stuff...something...anything, but looks like I will have to exercise a little patience until after the wedding. As I am starting to observe peoples home more closely, I am learning that less is more.

Thats usually the general principle in life, but in this case it looks great when you have a really nice standout pice of furniture or art piece or centerpiece and everything else just compliments. In perfect world I would want every piece of decor to be intentional and complimentary to the setting of the room and not just something I got for free in a gift exchange for Christmas.

Another reason to shop,

30 day countdown-24

Can I just say I am on a roll. Never ever ever have I blogged this frequently. This is how I would like to blog, but there is just not that kind of time. Well, maybe if I was more organized I could make the time. Nonethless it allows me to appreciate it all the more when I do get the time.

Anyhoo! Our bedroom suite arrived next day! Now thats what I call a quick turnover. They came, they set up within 30 min or less...and left. There, in all its glory, was our bedroom suite. Its quite a beaut' if I must say so myself. How exciting. I mean technically this is the most important room in the house. Sleeping on couches after the wedding is not the business. I look forward to turning the room into a wonderful sanctuary. I get excited about decorating. I've never had my own space to really create. Well I remodeled the guest bathroom in my mom's house and my room in my mom's house not that long ago and now I have to move out of my wonderful creation. Ideas I have so far for the bedroom I am thinking tranquil colors like beige and light aqua. Living room warm colors like tan, cranberry, orange and mustard. Bathroom sort of a rustic feel. Dining nook...red?? Kitchen?? I already know stores I will frequent to find some unique pieces will be Hobby Lobby, Ross, Burlington, TJ Maxx, Marshalls etc...you get my drift. Honestly, Im sure I can find something I like almost anywhere. But at least I know I wont be paying an arm and a leg. I mean thats what its all about right?? Hehehe

From one wonderful creation to my next,

Bridal Shower

Dream team...setting up
Food on its way

Arriving late

Proud of my friend for "trying" to use a camera just for me

old friends

Always gotta pause for GOOD EATS

Game we played where everyone had a word on their back and they had to guess what it was based on clues given by audience. Topic was things you do on the honeymoon ;)

This was where everyone gave me advice on how to keep the SPICE in my marriage

Shower of gifts

To my surprise when I remove the paper...

Yaaaay!! My favoritest game in the world! And I have never owned it. No one would probably believe that, but its TRUE!

Me: Hey thanks Cousin...How'd you know I loved this scent?
Cousin: Random...

Me and Mother Dearest. Thanks mom for helping throw me a great party!

I thought this was cute...btw this is most of my bridal party. Arent they beautiful??

Welp, there you have it...bridal shower #1! I had so much fun and many laughs. It was an unforgettable day in the company of unforgettable people.
SHOUTS OUT! Go to my friend who is literally the busiest person I know. She made alot of sacrifices for this party. She asked my mom to send her a picture of me during the process because she had to make sure I was CUTE enough for her to be doing all that work. HA! Gotta love her :)
Guess I passed the test,

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Pro bono #3

Wedding shoes-bff

check my footwork,

30 day countdown-25

What a busy day! Shopping for a bedroom suite is no joke. Mostly crunching all the numbers will make your head spin! Well my old college roomie and I made our first stop at Rooms To Go Outlet. They had some pretty impressive offers. The most competitive one was a King bed, dresser, mirror, nightstand for $844. It was the perfect color and style. Being the competitive shopper that I am I decided to mosey my way on down the street to The Underpriced Furniture Store just a few doors down. They had some very nice pieces. After a long consultation with the sales man I told him he had a very competitive price to beat down the street. After my friend helped me trash talke he threw in a free mattress with the bedroom suite I chose and that was that! I think we all know that nothing in life is free, but the point is I wasnt going to beat the price he offered me anywhere.

Then off to Lenox Mall we went to get find my wedding shoes. Lets just say...HAWT!

Had a few gift cards from my first bridal shower to Macy's and Target. I tried to sepnd them on the purpose for which I assumed them to serve ;) There were many finds but limited gift card so I had fun looking at all of this stuff I never look at. These moments are all the antecedents to the whole new world I am about to enter.


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

30 day countdown-26

Furniture shopping has been my biggest focus lately. Now that I have lots of disposable time during my Christmas break I get the chance to shop around without time restraint. Mother in law took me out to Farmers and she wanted to go to Rooms To Go. So we got around. I found this wonderful set at Ashley's on Saturday and when I went to Farmers I saw the exact same set. I think that was confirmation that we should get it. Its within our budget. Never made it to The Dump. Was going to go tomorrow, but I realized that its only open on the weekend. BUMMER! So I'm just going to wing it from here. Go cruising up some access roads to see what I can find.

Also getting amped up about my bachelorette party! Bff has been asking me all of these inconspicuous questions without any context. Its so mysterious and exciting. I have been sending her pictures and finding strappy shoes of a certain color etc. I mean what is she up to?? I know I am in for a treat because she never does it any less than BIG!

Hoping for success,

Monday, December 20, 2010

Morning Worship

I was reading the book of Proverbs this morning. Somehow I ended up in the 20th chapter so I just started reading from there. The thing that I love about Proverbs is that I will learn the gamut of things in one chapter or from one verse to the next. However in the middle of my reading a song resonated in my spirit so I stopped reading and looked up this song on Youtube and started worshipping to "How He Loves" by The Glorious Unseen, but then by The David Crowder Band. The words display one of the most beautiful pictures of how God has bestowed his relentless love upon us!

I think I want someone to sing this at our wedding for this reason...For me, my FIRST LOVE was Jesus Christ. He taught me all His truths about what it means to have love, give love, recieve love, walk in love, talk in love etc. That doesnt mean I get it right everytime, but if it had not been for His true example then I would not be in the place that I am now. I was at a crossroads when I faced the fact that I was in love with another person so deeply because this meant that I was going to have to divide my time between this lifelong relationship and God. Up until this time I was giving my WHOLE heart to God. My whole heart will still be with Him, but now He is giving me the opportunity to share this love with the one who will make me whole. But there is no condemnation in our desires to be married, besides, God is the one who created the institution of marriage. He said that it was not good for man to be alone...and there it was. She was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh and he declared it good. Genesis 2:23-24.

Here is a picture of my crossroads. Check this out... 1 Corinthians 7:32-35

32 But I want you to be without care. He who is unmarried cares for the things of the Lord-how he may please the Lord.

33 But he who is married cares about the things of the world-how he may please his wife.

34 There is a difference between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman cares about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit. But she who is married cares about the things of the world-how she may please her husband.

35 And this I say for your own profit, not that I may put a leash on you, but for what is proper, and that you may serve the Lord without distraction.


3-in-1 (God, me, husband),

Sunday, December 19, 2010

30 Day countdown-27

Today is The Mister's birthday!! He has always been an old soul who is a child at heart if that makes any sense at all. Well his age is finally catching up with his soul..hehehe! I'm taking him out to The Real Chow Baby. I look forward to a fun time and good eats.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

30 day countdown-28

First thing this morning I went to go get fitted for a Body Magic...basically a girdle. Ha! No shame in my game. After that I spent time looking for bedroom furniture after The Mister put his foot down on a great deal this Indian store owner at Gwinett mall offered me. Its not like one of those reputable stores with a track record, but obviously they stay in business somehow. The guy offered me a king bedroom suite with EVERYTHING including mattress and boxspring for $1400 with a 6 month layaway (payment) plan!!!...hmmm maybe thats the catch :/ I guess it sounded a little too good to be true.

Visits to American Signature Furniture, Haverty and Ashley Furniture proved to be an eye opener because now I have to pay the real price for this stuff...doggit! The cost of furniture is no joke, but I must admit I love furniture shopping. Furniture makes a statement about who you are and how you want to feel when you step into a room. I liked serveral different styles, colors and themes. Thats usually the case with me on almost everything anyways. At least I am consistent. But I did find a FEW pieces that tickled my fancy and my budget. Course I live to beat the prices I have already found while not compromising quality :) It s like a game for me. Somethings its okay to trade quality for quantity, but not furniture. Its best to make that good investment the first time and you will have a set you can count on for life. Anyhoo, hopefully the next stop is Farmers and The Dump.

Since its Christmas break for me I have had time to stay up late and do some things. I cleaned and packed up some stuff I need to take over to our apartment. How can one person who has never really lived on her own have so much STUFF...mostly useless stuff like arts and crafts, too many novelty t-shirts, and BAGS! Im talking bags that were souvenirs, paraphenalia, free, gifts, and the like. I mean how do I know what to keep and what to let go. I want these bags, but do I really need to hold on to them?? One good episode of Hoarders will take care of that problem. Everytime I watch that show I just start throwing things away.

Welp, I started my spreadsheet of RSVPs for wedding to get a total of how many "say" they are coming because the deadline to RSVP was last weekend so far we are about 75% of the way there. Lastly, all of the bridesmaid dresses have been picked up and almost everyone has gotten their shoes except 2 people. So things are moving along with decent timing.

Next on the list...get pix from my friend from bridal shower so I can post, send out thank you's for shower and early wedding gifts, email hostesses updates and reminders, start working on wedding program and DIY projects for wedding.

TICK tock,

30 day countdown-29

Today I did nothing...The shortest part of my workday is/was the longest part of my day. I came home, watched 2.5 episodes of NCIS and dozed off for the night!

Good night & Good Riddens!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pro bono! #2

Ring pillow, flower girl baskets, garter, guest sign in book-aunt
Bride and Groom sparkling cider flutes-aunt
Earrings for big day-mom

Sparkling cider flutes for reception-mom
Plates, saucers, cups, forks, knives-mom of groom
Wedding dinner-mom of groom

(See 4/6/2010 for Pro bono #1!)

My cup runneth over,

30 day countdown-30

Boy did time fly! Here we are 30 days out from the wedding day. This has been quite a journey. In the midst of this I got my first full time job, started graduate school...and planned this wedding. AAAAALLLL of this was so new. I guess I took it a little lightly. Everyone says enjoy being a bride because it will be all over in the blink of an eye, but I must admit I have hardly enjoyed it. Mainly, due to the fact of spending money. I set a LOW budget, but that was still too much. I also get weirded out with all of these parties that are all about me...too much attention that I am not used to. Almost all accolades and experiences in life I have been able to hide in the crowd. So what does that mean for the wedding day??? Im going to be SUPER weirded out, but mostly happy and relieved. I am super humbled that people have gone out of their way to throw me these FANTABULOUS parties! Sure does show you who is really committed to you. Though its no surprise. But its humbling to see HOW committed. So I have been all out of my comfort zone. Meanwhile school got harder this last quarter and I epically failed myself. In light of that I will be taking a quarter off to adjust to life as a wife. Clearly I like to take things 1 at a time, which is so unAmerican, but I have always been a little special

Last weekend I had my first bridal shower hosted by Friend and Mom. It didnt take long for the party to go wild starting with the games and ending with the gifts! Everyone seemed to have enjoyed themselves and especially the food. Thanks again Mom and Friend.

As of today...I am compiling my list of RSVPs, emailing hostesses, and addressing more invitations that never got sent (=0

So close-yet so far,

Saturday, December 4, 2010

One Hitter Quitter

The Mister dropped a one liner on me one day it SHOOK ME TO MY CORE:) As I was warming up my car to leave his house he was expressing how he felt about the fact that we cant spend more time together and get this...he said, "You know how they say home is where the heart is? Well I feel like my home is leaving me every night." WHOA! I had to give him props on that one. It was pretty smooth, yet he was completely sincere. I had no choice but to agree, I couldnt have said it better myself.

falling but i cant get up,