Monday, September 20, 2010

I am my own worst enemy

OMG...its been ages! Forgive me. I had a faithful follower write me a message demanding that I update this thing. What better reason than to give my followers what they want RIGHT...! All 5 of you are the BEST!! :) LOL

Today was the first day that I officially made it my business to start my wedding "diet" (in my whispering afraid to say it out loud or I may jinx myself). So from here on out lets just refer to it as my eating regimen (ER). Some people felt that I started too late, but truth is if I would have started way back when I would have messed it up by now anyways so I didnt even lie to myself. Starting now, I have more than enough time to get right. I gave myself plenty of time to get right...mess up...and get back right. Im nervous, but I think I will be ok. As long as I dont GAIN weight from where I started then really its all good!

So as if you are interested I will tell you what I ate today. A bowl of frosted mini wheats, lite yogurt with kashi oats, banana, preseasoned steamed mixed veggies, dry cheerios, banana, strawberry blueberry smoothie (I made it), and some chicken w/o the skin and some pasta! I am currently trying NOT to eat bread or sweets. Im just going to take it 1 DAY-AT-A-TIME. I am notorious for breaking my own rules.

All Im going to say is I was hungry between each one of those snacks throughout the day which I know is a good thing, but it becomes a bad thing if I dont have one of my healthy choices available. I am liable to slip a major way. People should always be afraid of a hungry woman on a di....eating regimen. Luckily I was very busy and on the move so I was distracted from the hunger.

I almost thought the devil was conjuring up an evil plan to ruin my ER because I went to the grocery store yesterday and spent too much money on almost nothing (healthy foods cost too much) and had this blender incident featuring: globs of smoothie in my hair (fresh press), all over my arm, the counter, the floor, my clean pjs I had just put on fresh out of the shower SO I gave up on the smoothie project for the night and just put it in the refridgerator til the morning. When I woke up to blend my smoothie the blender wouldnt come on. So I thought it was dead because all the juice spilled all over the buttons last night, but when I tried again when I got home today all it was was the reset button on the outlet. Dont you HATE those things!

So anyways in the midst of telling a friend that I didnt have a blender anymore (before I realized...) he recommended Shakeology by Beachbody. Im still thinking about doing it depending on what I am getting for my money.

Finally did a real workout. I walked 2.5 miles and ran 1 mile. Im pretty proud of that as my first workout. I plan on working out 5 days a week. Preferably Monday-Friday, but if I miss a day I plan to make it up. My mom gave me this great idea to walk this MONSTER hill near our house which I never thought of...gonna try it one day this week. Its pretty intimidating and I wish I had someone to walk it with for motivation. It is not for the faint of heart.

Trying not to self destruct. Life is sweet,