Thursday, December 5, 2013

Sticks and Stones

I wish I could say I've got this whole supportive wife thing all figured out. I think I get it right more times than I get it wrong.  Personally, that's saying a lot because I used to be the poster child for "when keeping it real goes wrong". But every now and again I have one of those learning experiences that remind me to take a step back and humble myself.

The other day The Mister was telling about his goals and preparation for his business, but all I could think of was what could go wrong and why this, why that, and what about...?  Long story short...I totally killed his vibe.  Then he said something really profound.  "I don't like compliments from anyone else but you."  So that I wouldn't miss the golden opportunity to get it right the next time I asked, "What exactly would you like me to say in a situation like this?"

He simply wanted me to say "Great job.  That sounds like a great plan.  Make sure you are doing what you need to do."  He simply wanted some encouragement and accountability.

Lessons learned: My opinion (besides Jesus) is the one he values most.  And never be too proud to humble myself to learn how he would like me to best handle that situation in the future.

So ladies, remember your opinion is most likely the only one that matters.  Never take your position of power for granted.  We sure know how to use it to manipulate and get our way. Lets use them to pour into our husbands!

Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit. Prov 18:21

Life is sweet,

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