Happy Birthday Jesus! And Merry Christmas to all of you out there!
I felt so conflicted/convicted about Christmas...more than the other Christmases. I'll tell you why. If Christmas is about Jesus then whats with the big party and gift giving to one another? I mean why am I getting/giving gifts for Jesus's birthday. I can understand if my gift giving is in the spirit of the reincarnate love of Jesus to someone in need, but people are just using this as an opportunity to shower one another with gifts. Imgine if someone came to your birthday party and celebrated everyone else.
A few years ago I decided I was over it. Now that I am getting married I have to translate my sentiments with The Mister who may not necessarily agree as much. Imagine what this means for our kids...I dont plan on telling them about Santa and Im not that interested in Christmas trees. When it comes to matters of Jesus and faith I like to keep them as sacred as possible because if our culture decides what is good and proper then we are all doomed to self destruction. The true story of Christmas is greater than any present under the Christmas tree. And if you already believe in Jesus then the reminder of our Savior's birth is still better than any present under the tree.
On that note how do we properly celebrate Christmas? I imagine we should attend the service at church that week or day, do good for those in need, then have a big feast with family and friends (how its done traditionally) going around telling why we are grateful for the His birth and then celebrate in style! I'll admit the harm is not in the gift giving...its in the fact that it allows us to forget that its not about us.
Somewhere beteween holy and a holy mess,
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