Anyhoo...I have been busy. Met with Mr. Planner last week to go over timeline stuff and choosing an invitation design. We paid our money for the venue. Its at Mr. Planner's church now. Decided that I would rather go the DIY (do it yourself) route on the invitations and make them myself or at least buy the imprintable invitation kit. But having a company do it is out of the question. So here is the conflict I ran into after making that decision.
On Monday morning I began doing my research for some invitation templates. Found 2 that were the perfect design, but one that was the MOST perfect design AND PRICE...
The name of the product at Party City was "Platinum Damask Imprintable Invitation Kit" which included 50 invitations/envelopes; 50 reply cards/envelopes for the clearance price of $18.74 (orig 24.99...which still isnt bad)! Here is where conflict no. 1 comes in....I need 7 boxes. They only have 5 left online in stock. I ordered them as soon as I called around to 3 stores to find out if they had more. Only one had them. This store just so happens to be on my aunts side of town so she agreed to pick them up for me and I pay her back later. GREAT so I went ahead and ordered them. As I am arranging for them to put some on hold for me conflict no. 2 rolls around when I called the store to make sure the guy is pulling the right item I need off of the shelves. So I clarify by saying "the black and white damask right?". THEN HE SAYS no actually they are silver >>screeching halt noice<< "Um so..." He says, "yeah as I was walking up to them they did look black but when I got to them they are actually silver."
So lemme get this straight...
~I checked out the picture online-CHECK
~Stared at it many times bc of the simple fact that it was too good to be true-CHECK
~It says "platinum" but I assumed it was black with a lining of platinum (that I cant see)-CHECK
~I got super excited and ordered them online and forgot to ask when I called the stores the first time-CHECK
~Thinking about revamping my color scheme just to match all of these invitations I have ordered-CHECK! LOL
And thats exactly what I did until....conflict no. 3 greeted me the next morning in my inbox.
The next morning I got an email saying that my order has been CANCELLED because they were out of stock! So my thing is, why didnt the product say out of stock instead of letting me go through the whole ordering/paying process? My aunt had to take back the invitations and waste precious time and gas. And we all know those are precious commodities no one can afford to waste in 2010! They did not charge my card so that was not the issue. But the website still doesnt say that they are out of stock...what is that about?!
"Platinum" invitation that threw me for a loop...still got me fooled.

back to []one. Life is Sweet,
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