As the old addage goes..."There is a first time for everything." Im sure you will hear about my many firsts as you follow my story. Today was the first official day that I forgot to put on my ring after taking it off to shower. Its slightly too big so any contact with soap and water there is bound to be an "oopsy!" moment. Honestly, I fear forgetting to take it off before showering or swimming etc more than I fear leaving it on my bathroom sink.
Back in the day they used to wrap tape around the inside part of a ring that was too big to compensate for the extra space. Wouldnt that just be a hot ghetto mess if I did that? LOL Correct me if Im wrong, but doesnt Claires or Icing have the non-ghetto version of tape that goes on your too big jewelry. I need to remember to check that out.
Im not really a ring person. I have not worn rings on my finger since like jr. high. You know how these BIG rings are so in style now to accessorize your 'fit. I have not even hopped on that bandwagon yet. So what I am trying to say is...I am still getting use to this whole concept. Im sure the day will come when I will feel naked without it on. Or what about the first time I get the tan line on my finger in the summer (I digress).
BTW is it totally vein that I went and got my nails done for the first time I think since I graduated from high school (boy was that LONG AGO) just to make my ring more flattering? I feel it has made a huge difference thats for sure. I dont really like my hands and I feel they are more flattering now. I kept it really simple. I got my natural nail length and some unoffensive polish. I dont know if its a lifestyle change, but it works for now. Sometimes its the little things that make all the difference in how you feel about yourself. Those that know me took notice. I got positive responses. Others wont be the wiser.
This thing has proven itself to be a weapon as well. Seeing as how I am not used to wearing rings there have been times when I may have been a little careless and snagged some fabric, or scratched myself, or scratched someone else...Hopefully, some time in the near future I will use its powers for good and not evil ;)
Til next time...Life is sweet,
ooo I loved reading ur first post, its like i can see ur mind, and yes ur nails and hand and RING did look extra Fly! No More Forgetting Ok!!!