Porch wraps all the way around the building!
The pic doesn't do it justice
yucky green chairs...may have to rent different ones
Upstairs...main assembly space
Well its official...I have found my venue for the wedding! I must admit I was really on the verge of throwing in the towel and going to the courthouse. Truth is, I have never really dreamed of having a wedding. Since I was a child I prayed for a husband. Thats all I ever really wanted. This whole wedding thing is over my head and it requires a lot more effort than I care to exert. So the night before I went to visit the venue I was having wedding blues. I was really trying to figure out how was I going to break it to the family that there wouldnt be a ceremony, but that their invite to join us at the Justice of the Peace was on its way!
But I had not completely given up ALL hope. There was still a glimmer left enough to get me to this facility to check it out. As soon as I got there and got the full scope of the place I was overcome with joy and a new found hope. Not only did it look great but the price for all that I was getting was what made it a winner in my book. Thats pretty much how my mind works. In the overall scheme of things "if I dont like the price then it aint nothin nice". That applies to all things that I shop for. Is it just me that when you go shopping and you are look at something and you are like "its alright" but then after you look at the clearance price you are like "thats hot!" or vice versa LOL That is the story of my life.
SO! This new venue has put the wind in my sail, the ribbon in my sky, the ROCK in my ROLL...yeah, all that good happy stuff. Lets just hope things stay this way. I am currently trying to lock in a date and playing the waiting game with the facility coordinator so please be praying that God has favor with the date. Im tired of having to push my date back everytime I turn around. This is yet another bump, but a relatively small one. I wont focus on the small obstacles or you will have your invite to the Justice of the Peace sooner than later ;)
wind...sail, ribbon...sky, rock...roll, LIFE IS SWEET,